Friday, July 6, 2012

Share What I See

One of the things I would like to do here is to share art where I find it. Hopefully, I am not infringing on anyone's rights to their work. I am not trying to recreate, or sale other artists' items, I just want to share what I see, and help a fellow artist out. You know, generate some business and recognition their way. Hopefully, when you see one of my pieces that you really like, be it jewelry or one of the many other things I do, you will do the same. If we don't help out each other, who's going to??

I would like to do this at least once a week, but let's be real here, I'm a single mom with a teenage son, doing all my "business" stuff on my own. You know, the making of a piece, the photo "sessions", advertising, blah, blah, blah, you get the message. So what I'm really trying to say is I will get these tasty pieces to you as soon as I am able. Sometimes it may be a blurb, sometimes an essay. I gives 'em how I gets 'em. Please let me know how you like them. I'm sure the artist I feature would greatly appreciate it. Time permitting, I will even do some research into these fine folks, dare I call them my brothers in creativity, to give you, my readers (that's wishfull thinking on my part. LOL) an incite into the world of modern art.

Today's juicy find is by Jules Muck. I found that out because I did as I said I would, and researched. Proud of me yet?? Ok, it's not about me, back to the featured at hand. I saw this painting one day after I dropped my son off at school, while on my morning work out. I thought it was way cool, so I took a picture with my HTC phone and uploaded it to my facebook page when I got to work, cause I don't have a data plan (don't laugh). I didn't even think to ask permission, though maybe I should have. I just saw something I liked and wanted to share. Heck I even made it my background, and my profile pic once.

Now while doing my research on Jules via,; gotta get my points, I found out that she's a SHE. Don't know why I assumed that the artist would be a male, just the way our society is I guess. That was surprise number one. I also saw that she is white, I'm sorry cacasian, don't want to be pollitcally incorrect. Just assumed that the artist would be black, there I go again, African American, because it's Marley. Would that be making an ass out of me? Anyway, surprise number two. Then I clicked on a link to her art page:

 I was blown away by the stuff she has. Her, stuff was off the chain. Sorry, almost forgot I was a Christian. LOL. But truely awsome. She makes me, as an artist, want to get some work done. You know, get busy. I feel as though I have been lazy, the more I look, the more I'm in aw. Isn't that what a good artist is supposed to do? Like, inspire, make you get off your lazy rear and make a difference! Well, I know that today after I finish this post, I'm working on some art work. Thank you Jules for that lift, that inspiration, that drive! Keep up the good work!!

(Note, this past month I noticed that this awsome picture had been defaced by some idot. Please people, if you are not capable of art at this level, are trying to make a statement, or are just ignorant of the fact that this is a passion, find some other way to show your displeasure. Marking up another's work is just wrong. No other way to say it. Please don't!)

(Comments, reflections, and questions are welcome, but must first be approved by me. So if you don't see them right away, do be patient, I will post if they are appropriate responses. Thank you.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great write up Kim. So glad you like the bob piece. There is video of the execution of the mural on YouTube I think it's called Jules muck bobmarley part 2.
    Heads up: this Friday the 13th of July through Sunday the 15th Jules Muck will be live painting a 50ft mural in front of 'thr Blu house' (538 ocean front) I want everyone to contribute by providing me with a head shot photo of their worst enemy, they can either bring it to the wall or email it to thanks! Hope to see ya there.
